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Emerald cut

Also known as the step cut, this style results in a large table facet and numerous smaller step-shaped facets parallel to the table, and is often used in crafting emeralds. Due to its fewer numbers of facets, this type of cut is usually less fiery or brilliant, but can bring out the colors and clarity of the gemstones. The emerald cut is suitable for gemstones with good color and clarity, but otherwise have mediocre refractive index or fire. The step cut can result in rectangular, square, triangle, pentagonal and rhombus shapes. A finely rectangular step-cut is also called the Baguette, which does not waste much of the original crystals and can bring out the color and clarity of the gemstone.

* 圖說:
* 圖說: 各式祖母綠型(階梯型)的變形
* 圖說:
* 圖說: 各式祖母綠型(階梯型)的變形
* 圖說:
* 圖說: 切工精美的長方形又稱巴古特型
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