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Fossil vertebratesFossil vertebrates
Fossil invertebratesFossil invertebrates

 What is a Fossil?
 What is a Vertebrate Animal?
 Structure of Prehistoric Vertebrate Animals
 Objective and Prospect of Digitalized Collection of Fossils of Vertebrate Animals
 The Introduction of Fossil Vertebrates
 The Introduction to Mammalia
 Introduction to the Probocidea
  What is a Fossil?

Fossil are the nature preserved remains, moulds, and traces of dead organism include teeth, skeletons and shells, skin impression, food print, and the like. Even the dropping is another form of fossil (trace fossil).

A fossil was formed of fossilization which the original composition of the organism (for example, calcium phosphate inside the bone) was replaced by the mineral covered around (such as silicon or iron). Fossilization, therefore, not only shows the life of the organism of its time and also the buried inorganic environment, the climate and biological conditions. Fossil opens a window for us to take a glance of the biological world and it is also the criteria to divide and compare the different geochronology. Fossil does provide the most significant evidence for the studies on life!|s origin and evolution.

Teeth Bone Fossil Faeces
Searrated fish

Confuciusomis Sanctus

NMNS003052 -F002735
Fossil Dinosaur Faeces

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