軟體動物 - <i>Leptopoma nitidum taivanum</i>&&台灣青山蝸牛(科博館 自然與人文數位博物館)
臺灣青山蝸牛Leptopoma nitidum taivanumLeptopoma nitidum青山蝸牛蝸牛前鰓類<p> All over Taiwan at low to mid elevations, it is possible to see this beautiful snail species, Leptopoma nitidum taivanum (Moellendorff, 1883). In the adult, the shell width ranges from 1.3-1.6cm and the shell height from 1.4-1.6cm. The shell is conical in shape. The whorls are inflated. The surface of the shell is smooth with 5-6 whorls in a dextral formation. The umbilicus is small and deep. The shell aperture is mostly round. In adults, the shell lip is everted and has a yellowish brown, round operculum. The part of the soft body that is exposed outside of the shell is grayish white. The head and long, thin tentacles are darker in color. The eyes are black and situated at the base of the tentacles. If you pick up an empty shell from this species you will discover that the beautiful green color fades, leaving behind a translucent white shell. The green color comes from the mantle. Once this is removed, the shell becomes white. </p> <p>  The distribution range of Leptopoma nitidum (Sowerby, 1843) is from Japan to Malaysia. Leptopoma nitidum taivanum (Moellendorff, 1883) is an endemic subspecies to Taiwan. It can be found throughout Taiwan in forests at low to mid elevations (but is less common in the north). It prefers to inhabit trees. </p>臺灣青山蝸牛Leptopoma nitidum taivanumLeptopoma nitidum青山蝸牛蝸牛前鰓類<p>  臺灣全島中低海拔均有機會見到一種美麗的青綠色蝸牛,臺灣青山蝸牛<em>Leptopoma nitidum taivanum</em> (Moellendorff, 1883),成體殼寬約1.3到1.6公分,殼高約1.4到1.6公分,殼為圓錐形,體螺層膨大,殼表光滑,螺層約5~6層,呈右旋,臍孔小而深。殼口多呈圓形,成體的殼唇外翻,帶有黃褐色圓形口蓋;露出於殼外的軟體呈灰白色,頭部及細長的觸角顏色較深,黑色的眼睛位於觸角基部。若在野外撿到青山蝸牛的空殼,會發現美麗的青綠色褪去了,剩下半透明的乳白色空殼,原來青山蝸牛的青綠色彩來自於外套膜,一旦「人」去樓空,就只徒留下乳白色的外殼了。</p> <p>  青山蝸牛<em>Leptopoma nitidum</em> Sowerby, 1843廣泛分布於日本至馬來西亞,臺灣青山蝸牛<em>Leptopoma nitidum taivanum</em> (Moellendorff, 1883)為臺灣的特有亞種,可在臺灣全島中低海拔(北部地區較少)樹林中發現,多棲息於樹上。</p>