Unified knowledge-based content management for digital archives
作者: Tien-Yu Hsu, Hao-Ren Ke, & Wei-Pang Yang
出處: 第三屆數位典藏資訊技術研討會,臺北市中央研究院資訊科學研究所。9-18。
發表年份: 2004
Worldwide museums are facing the challenge of applying knowledge management to digital archives projects to unify content acquisition, creation, organization, reusing, and publication among individuals, departments, and projects for long-term business prospective. We propose a unified knowledge-based content management approach that consists of a unified knowledge content process, a knowledge-based content management system and multi-layer reusable knowledge content structures. EER model was applied to effect integrate the global knowledge-based content management system and express multi-layer reusable knowledge content structures in digital archives of museums. A practical system was implemented to provide a unify knowledge management environment that the knowledge content creation, management, sharing, reuse, and accessing among all projects, specialists, content, technologies, and applications can be realized.
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